Become a sponsor by adding your business logo or family name to our custom shirts. Reaching this goal depends on the generosity of businesses and families like you. GOLD $250 - Company logo on the back of the shirt - Recognition on our HSC website - Social media advertisement - Company logo advertisement at Principal’s Coffees and HSC events SILVER $150 - Family/Company logo on the back of the shirt - Recognition on our HSC website - Social media advertisement BRONZE $50 - Family/Class/Company name |
Example of our Business Sponsors from 2020-2021
Individual |
Classroom |
Schoolwide |
Send out 5 pledge requests = Cherrywood sticker Send out 20 pledge requests = Cherrywood Spirit pack Raise $10 = Glow in the Dark Cherrywood Charger T-shirt Raise $50 = Goodie bag Raise $100 = Pop-it keychain Raise $250 = Cherrywood Charger Hoodie Raise $500 or more = A chance to make a morning announcement on the PA system Raise Top $$$ = TBD |
Raise $3,000 = Receive a book for each student chosen by their teacher Raise Top $$$ = Experience a VIRTUAL ESCAPE ROOM party with their class |
Complete by November 5th 50% of students set up their Pledgestar page = Principal Choy will get SILLY STRINGED! Complete by November 12th Raise $20,000 = Our media tech, Ms. Ann, will do the ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE! Raise 75% of our $65,000 fundraising goal = TBD |